Saturday, November 22, 2008

Just One Bite

There's nothing I like more than a good vampire story. A sultry blood-sucker looking longingly into your eyes – what could be more appealing than that? "Buffy" was my favorite television series ever. I'm thinking about this because I just heard on the news that vamp lit is all the rage.

Some things you cannot talk to kibbutzniks about. I mean Israeli kibbutzniks, not us born-elsewhere transplants. Mention a fondness for science fiction or, I guess vampire stuff would qualify, occult fiction and they'll look at you as if you're from outer space. It's a subject that has zero resonance and I'm wondering why.

You'd think in a country perpetually at war, burdened with an inept government and leaders for whom mediocrity would be a vast improvement, that people would be desperate to escape into fantasy, although I suppose that's what the peace process is for. Kibbutzniks can't even turn to religion for comfort because they're all devout atheists.

There's something about growing grapefruit that makes people too down-to-earth. Put down the hoe for a while, I say, and think about the stars whizzing above our heads and all the forms of life they may support. Dream of the dark stranger who comes to murmur in your ear as he bites your neck. It's very pleasant.

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