Saturday, May 31, 2008

Starting out

So what am I doing here, you ask? My step-daughter, who by the way is one of the finest women who ever lived, has encouraged me to set up a blog. She's sure people will enjoy reading this stuff because she likes the messages I send her each week. I have my doubts. But here goes.

I've spent the last few decades on this kibbutz in central Israel after considerable wandering. It can be a very quiet place to live, except when it's not. And for as long as I've been here there has been a children's zoo that comprised some animals roaming through the ramshacklest of shacks.

Then last year the whole thing was revamped. They built hexagonal pavilions, a duck pond, put in some nice landscaping complete with trees. It had everything, except animals. Then they came: bunnies, guinea hens, ducks, a rooster that starts crowing at 3am -- obviously maladjusted, any chicken-whisperers out there? -- and some amazingly chatty peacocks. Like I said, this is a quiet place to live, but there are times I think I've woken up on the Serengeti Plain.