Saturday, June 7, 2008

The murder of crows

A sizable murder of crows, I think I've counted 5 or 6 of them, has taken over my backyard. They like the relatively large lawn and seem to find plenty to eat in it. These are big, aggressive Israeli crows -- think American crows on steroids -- with grey bodies and black wings. They are so tough that even Finnegan, my most ferocious cat who never met a dog he couldn't take, does not mess with them.

Most distressingly, the crows have a particular fondness for my pergola. Normally I wouldn't mind. But I'm anxious for my precious wisteria to grow and cover it. I love wisteria, having first experienced its gorgeousness as a small child at a friend of my grandmother's in North Carolina. The crows keep breaking off the tender, new branches with their claws. At least I think that's what is happening.

What can I do? I can't scare them away. They just laugh at me, circle around for a few seconds then return to the pergola. Maybe what I need is a bigger, tougher bird to stand guard. Now, how do I tempt an eagle to take up residence in the kibbutz?

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